The Lions Gate Portal 🦁 opens its
mystical doors from July 28 to August 12, with its
pinnacle on August 8. Often referred to as the
galactic new year 🥂, this event melds two strong cosmic energies: the star Sirius 💫 coming into alignment with Earth and the Sun exerting its influence from its ruling sign of Leo.
The symbolism of the entire date range, particularly the eighth day of the eighth month (8/8) ∞ ∞ , holds profound significance. In the realm of numerology, individual digits carry deep meanings, and the number eight signifies wealth, luck, and positive energy. Furthermore, when observed horizontally, the number eight becomes the symbol of infinity ∞ representing boundless abundance 💸.
Each year, the Lions Gate Portal commences its magical 🪄 transformative journey. Leo, known for its association with the majestic lion, brings forth an energy of regality, pride, and courage.
In the spirit of ancient Egyptians, let us perceive the Lions Gate Portal in 2023 as a fresh beginning, a metaphorical new year. It beckons us to engage in introspection 👁️, reflecting upon our past experiences while envisioning our future aspirations. Embrace this moment as an opportunity to liberate ourselves from any limiting patterns that hinder our personal growth 🌳 and prevent us from realizing our true potential.